Welcome to Casey Paving LLC

Welcome to Casey Paving LLC, your premier company in the Reno, NV, area. We provide various services, including asphalt paving, sealcoating, repair, base work, grading, and more. Our team of professionals offers both commercial and residential paving. We have the skill and experience necessary to be your first choice for asphalt maintenance in the Reno area.

Additional services we provide include:

Our family-owned and operated paving company has over 40 years of experience and is licensed, bonded, and insured, which means you will be in great hands regarding all of your paving needs. We specialize in all blacktop paving aspects, including driveways, asphalt striping, crack repair, overlays, and more. Let our team of professionals lend our expertise if you need a new driveway. We work efficiently and offer free estimates! Give Casey Paving LLC a call today for more information regarding everything we can do for you.

Check out our suppliers!

Asphalt Paving

Asphalt Paving

Here at Casey Paving LLC, we are specialized in everything regarding asphalt paving. We are committed to creating smooth and safe driving surfaces, parking lots, paths, basketball courts...

Asphalt Repair

Asphalt Repair

Casey Paving LLC additionally performs exceptional asphalt repairs. Whether you need our asphalt crack or pothole repair, we will be more than happy to provide you with our expert...



Along with paving and repair, Casey Paving LLC also offers exceptional sealcoating services in the Reno area, handling every project with expediency and care to provide the highest quality results. Sealcoating can...

Proudly Serving

Carson City, NV      

Entire state of Nevada     

Fallon, NV      

Gardnerville, NV      

Lake Tahoe, NV      

Reno, NV      

Topaz Lake, NV